Friday, December 27, 2019

Employee Thank You Letter Examples

Employee Thank You Letter ExamplesEmployee Thank You Letter ExamplesDo you need to say thank you to an employee for a job well done? How about a colleague who helped you at work? A thank you letter is a great way to show your appreciation for someone at work. Here is a variety of employee thank you letter examples, which you can edit to fit your own personal and professional circumstances. Also read below for tips on how to send an appropriate thank you letter. Tips for Writing and Sending Thank You Letters Choose the Method Your thanks can be sent as a written letter, a thank you note, or an email thank you homilie. All three are appropriate. A written letter is the most formal, a thank you note is mora personal, and an email is a great idea when the time is of the essence.Use a Clear Subject Line When youre sending an email, thank you letter to an employee or colleague, the subject line of your email message can simply say Thank You.Consider Handwriting Your Letter A handwritte n thank you note always makes a really good impression.It is more personal than a typed letter or email. Keep It Short Do not write an extremely long thank you message. Keep it short and sweet simply explain what you are thanking them for, and express your gratitude.Send Sooner Rather Than Later It is always a good idea to send a thank you message as soon as possible, while the event is fresh in the persons mind. Of course, sending a thank you message late is better than never sending one at all.Edit, Edit, Edit Be sure to proofread your letter for any spelling or grammar mistakesthoroughly. This is still a professional message, so you want it to be polished. Send It When in doubt, say thank you. It is never inappropriate to give thanks, however, small the reason. People love to know they are appreciated, especially in the workplace. 129 Watch Now How Gratitude Makes Happier Employees Employee Thank You Letter Examples Review these letter and email message examples saying tha nk you to employees, and see below for more examples of how to show your appreciation and say thank you. Sample Employee Thank You Letter 1 (Text Version) Your personennameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDateNameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Theodore,Thank you so much for your assistance during our office move. You and your staff really came through, proving what it means to be a team player. The extra effort you all put in was really appreciated.Next week, please plan a day to take your department to lunch at Chez Alvin, on the company account, to thank everyone for all their hard work.I really appreciate everything you are doing to help the company succeed.Regards,Signature(hard copy letter)Jonas ExpandSample Employee Thank You Letter 2 (Text Version) Your NameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDateNameTitleOrganizationAddressCity, State Zip CodeDear Name,Thank you for all your help on our recent company-wide restructure. It was really helpf ul to have your input since you went through a similar reorganization at your previous company. Im happy to have you as a part of this team. In the short time, you have been here, you have really helped to make things run smoothly.I really appreciate your willingness to help out wherever needed. Its that kind of flexibility and dedication that will help this company grow to its full potential.Sincerely,Signature(hard copy letter)Your Name ExpandSample Employee Thank You Email Message (Text Version) SubjectThanksDear Wendy,I really appreciate all your help in getting the restaurant ready for our grand re-opening. Im glad that you have decided to stay with us during this time of change, and seem to be looking forward to the opportunities this new venture will bring.Your positive attitude has made a big difference in the way the rest of the staff has viewed the coming changes, and I really appreciate your support.Cheers,Bob ExpandSample Employee Thank You Email for Covering Maternity L eave (Text Version) SubjectThank YouHi Mary Anne,Thanks so much for helping out while Janice is out on maternity leave. I really appreciate you offering to work more hours and to help out with some of the extra things that shes had time to do up until now.I really appreciate your assistance. Its hard in a small business when one of us is out for a long period of time, and its employees like you who help to make it work for us all.Best,Beth Expand More Thank You and Appreciation Message Examples Employee Referral Thank You LetterSample Appreciation Email To EmployeeThank You Letter for BossSample Thank You Letter for a ColleagueSample Letter of Appreciation - Help at WorkThank You Letter for Project Help

Sunday, December 22, 2019

What to Know About Navy Basic Training

What to Know About Navy Basic TrainingWhat to Know About Navy Basic TrainingThe Navy only has one location for enlisted basic training the Great Lakes Naval Training Center in Illinois. All new recruits will spend boot camp here, but dont worry about doing drills in inclement weather unlike the other branches of the U.S. military, most of Navy boot camp is conducted indoors. This means there are indoor marching and drill, the confidence course is indoors and even weapons like shotguns and pistols are fired indoors. This makes a lot of sense if you think about it much of Navy life and duty is spent aboard a ship or in a submarine. The Recruit Training Command processes more than 50,000 recruits through Navy boot camp per year. But before you can take part in Navy basic training, you must pass an anfangsbuchstabe fitness assessment. Your recruiter administers this test. The initial standards are listed below. Navy Standards for Male Recruits Age 17-19Sit-ups 50Push-ups 421.5-mile r un 1230 Age 20-24Sit-ups 46Push-ups 371.5-mile run 1330 Age 25-29Sit-ups 43Push-ups 341.5-mile run 1400 Age 30-34Sit-ups 40Push-ups 311.5-mile run 1430 Navy Standards for Female Recruits Age 17-19Sit-ups 50Push-ups 191.5-mile run 1500 Age 20-24Sit-ups 46Push-ups 161.5-mile run 1530 Age 25-29Sit-ups 43Push-ups 131.5-mile run 1608 Age 30-34Sit-ups 40Push-ups 111.5-mile run 1645 Passing the Navy Swim Test During the first week of basic training, you will also have to pass a Navy 3rd Class Swim Test. If you cant swim, dont worry. The Navy instructors will teach you how (at least well enough to pass this test). Obviously, this is going to be a crucial skill to have in a branch of the service where youre likely to see a fair amount of time at sea. In order to graduate from Navy basic training, you must score at least a Good (Low) score on the normal Navy Physical Readiness Test (PRT). For men age 17 through 19, that means 62 sit-ups, 51 push-ups and running 1.5 miles in 11 minute s. For women in this age bracket, theyll need to do 62 sit-ups, 24 push-ups and1.5 miles in 13 minutes, 30 seconds. Requesting Leave After Basic Training The Navy does not usually grant leave (time off or vacation) immediately after basic training. When you graduate from Navy basic, youll proceed to your Navy A-School (job school). Your first leave will be when you graduate from A-School or around 10 days during the Christmas period, whichever happens first. If you enlisted under the GENDET or GTEP programs (no guaranteed job), your first leave will be at the discretion of your supervisor.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Weightlifting less than an hour per week could increase your longevity

Weightlifting less than an hour per week could increase your longevityWeightlifting less than an hour per week could increase your longevityResistance training (weightlifting, bench-pressing, etc.) typically gets a lot less attention thanaerobic exercise. While doctors frequently tout the latter for its health benefits, far less is known about the effects of resistance training, until now.A team of researchers, lead by D.C. (Duck-chul) Lee, Ph.D., an associate professor of kinesiology at Iowa State University, conducted a study of nearly 13,000 adults over a 10 year period andfoundthat strength training or weightlifting for less than an hour a week results in a 40 to 70 percent reduced risk ofheart attackandstroke. And thats not all - the research shows that resistance trainers reaped a 29 percent lower risk of metabolic syndrome (people suffering from high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, and excess fat around the waist) and a 32 percent lower threat of hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), both of which are associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.In an bewerbungsgesprch with Thrive Global, Lee explains what constitutes resistance training Anything you can imagine in the gym free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells, and machines built for chest and leg presses, leg extensions, as well as lat pulldown machines.Althoughprior researchby Lee indicates that people who have gym memberships are more inclined to workout, he assures us that incorporating unconventional forms of weightlifting into our daily lives can be a suitable substitute Muscle-strengthening activities like digging, carrying heavy shopping bags, pushing a heavy lawnmower, carrying your chubby toddler, anything that increases your muscle activities, could provide the same rewards, he says.The benefits hold whether or not participants also did cardio workouts. Additionally, we controlled for smoking, alcohol consumption, body weight, age, gender, and several other factors, but the results remained the same, he says.The most surprising takeaway from the study, in Lees view, is that those who spend several hours a week pumping iron didnt receive much greater advantages than those who spent considerably less time doing so. While we may not achieve muscular or chiseled physiques by strength-training for less than an hour a week, working out more hours per week did not provide any additionalhealthrewards, he says.This article welches originally published on ThriveGlobal.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

4 Common Problems With Performance Appraisals

4 Common Problems With wertzuwachs Appraisals4 Common Problems With Performance AppraisalsManagers go wrong with performance appraisals in so many ways, that its difficult to identify all of them. Some of the problems have to do with the overall system of performance appraisal, and otzu sich problems are the result of the one-on-one meeting that is held for the appraisal interaction. Here are four of the big problems managers and employees experience with performance appraisals. If you are clear on the problems, you have an opportunity to fix the problems. Performance Appraisals Are Annual Start with the fact that performance appraisals are usually annual. Employees need feedback and goal planning much more frequently than annually. Employees need weekly, even daily, performance feedback. This feedback keeps them focused on their most important goals. It also provides them with developmental coaching to help them increase their ability to contribute. The feedback also recognizes them for their contributions. Employees need and respond best to clear expectations from their manager. Feedback and goal setting annually just doesnt cut it in the modern work environment. In this environment, goals are constantly changing. Work is under constant evaluation for relevance, importance, and contribution. Customer needs change with such frequency that only the nimble respond in a timely manner. It is what performance feedback needs to do- respond nimbly and with serious responsiveness in a timely manner. Performance Appraisal as a Lecture Managers, who dont know any better, make performance appraisals into a one-way lecture about how the employee did well this year and how the employee can improve. In one example, employees reported to HR that they thought that the performance development planning meeting was supposed to be a conversation. Their manager was using 55 of the 60 minutes to lecture his reporting staff members about their performance- both good and bad. The employees feedback was relegated to less than five minutes. It is not the point of a performance appraisal discussion. Additionally, once a manager tells an employee about problems with their work or a failure in their performance, employees tend not to hear anything else the manager has to say that is positive about their performance. So,the feedback sandwich in which managers praise an employee, then give the employee negative feedback that is followed, once again, by positive feedback is an ineffective approach to providing needed feedback. So, its a combination problem. The best performance appraisals are a two-way discussion and focus on the employee assessing his or her own performance and setting his or her own goals for improvement. Performance Appraisal and Employee Development Performance appraisals rarely focus on developing the employees skills and abilities. They do not provide commitments of time and resources from the organization about how they will encourag e employees to develop their skills in areas of interest to the employee. The purpose of performance evaluation is to provide developmental feedback that will help the employee continue to grow in their skills and ability to contribute to the organization. It is the managers opportunity to hold a clear exchange about what the organization expects and most wants and needs from the employee. What a lost opportunity if a manager uses the meeting in any other way. Performance Appraisals and Pay In a fourth way that performance appraisals often go astray, employers connect performance appraisals with the amount of pay raise an employee will receive. When the appraisal is a deciding factor in employee raises, it loses its ability to help employees learn and grow. You will train employees to hide and cover up problems. They will set their manager up to be blindsided by problems or an issue in the future. They will bring only positives to the appraisal meeting if they are a normal emplo yee. Dont ever expect an honest discussion about improving an employees performance if the outcome of the discussion will affect the employees income. Doesnt this make perfect sense? You know it does, so why go there? It should be one component of your salary setting system. Let your employees know that you will base raises on a wide range of factors- and tell them what the factors are in your company annually. Employees have short memories, and you need to remind them every year about how you will make your decisions about merit increases. If your company has a company-wide approach- and many companies do these days- even better. You will have support and backup as all employees will receive the same homilie. Your job will be to reinforce the message during the performance appraisal meeting. Connecting the appraisal to an employees opportunity for a salary increase negates the most important component of the process- the goal of helping the employee grow and develop as a result of the feedback and discussion at the performance appraisal meeting. If you can influence these four big problems in performance appraisal, you will go a long way toward having a useful, developmental system in which the employees voice plays a prominent role. It is the right way to approach performance appraisal.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

New Step by Step Roadmap for Cv Resume Sample

New Step by Step Roadmap for Cv Resume Sample The Advantages of Cv Resume Sample Make an extensive collection of the info that youll need to include, and use it in order to compile your CV. Selling examples of CVs through a site is quite a common idea. Theres a specific fashion of resumes called Internship resume. Second, there are many trends of resumes to consider. Make sure that you can defend and justify each and every word in your CV. Ensure you go for one thats editable in doc format or other popular formats so you can print a copy easily or make sure that if you mail it to recruiters, it is bedrngnis going to go in the trash. You might need to translate your CV. Your CV may include everything which youve done thus far. A sloppy looking resume will greatly lessen your odds of obtaining a work interview. Resume CV is a little bit of a misnomer. A really well written CV example may be a large aid to when seeking to create a resume for the very first time. So its ok n ot to start from your fantasy business or dream role. There are a number of things which you will need to consider employed as a sales associate. In conclusion the ideal thing you can do sometimes is ask somebody else to study your CV example. Understanding how to start can be the largest challenge and looking at examples can be quite valuable. What You Need to Know About Cv Resume Sample In the USA and Canada, theres a huge difference between a CV and a resume. Most important of all, you always need to tailor your resume to the place of interest. Career objective is normally the very first section in the resume. In the usa, the primary difference between a CV and a resume is the intention behind the documents. Companies simply dont hire many graduatesbecause they are merely costly. Employers understand that youre young and looking to enhance your experience, so give them as much as you can that shows you will be an important employee. They want to know what you have don e in the past. You should figure out what other jobs will nonetheless benefit your career and could assist you in getting the job that you want down the line. Resumes have traditionally turn into the major ticket for navigating the work market. Besides the four graduate school resume and CV samples above, there are lots of resume samples youll be able to access for free internet. As soon as your website is created it is the right time to get started advertising your site. If youre selling your CV example online, have a look at your conversion rate. There are a lot of great Resume examples online by which you can learn the appropriate use of job-specific skills. Even if your information is in bullet format, it may still be tough to quickly recognize the pertinent abilities and accomplishments which are important to the prospective employer. Resume writing can appear intimidating, particularly if youre creating your initial resume. During the time youre at it, also make cert ain your resume format is acceptable. Following that, you will know what things to include, which format to use, and the way to prevent common mistakes. The audio sector encompasses many kinds of jobs. Your jobs could possibly be varied, your experience and techniques vast, and it can be hard getting it all on paper. Youll still have to set your education on your resume. The audio CV example can help you decide how to showcase your musicianship and associated skills to impress the folks responsible for hiring and indicate youre a strong candidate.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Spark Hire and Jazz Video Interviewing Integration

Spark Hire and Jazz Video Interviewing IntegrationThe timing couldnt be better We are excited to announce ur integration with Jazz here we are at the HR Technology Conference and Exposition in Las VegasJazz is a powerful, easy-to-use recruitment software for startups and growing companies. Formerly known as Resumator, Jazz has been helping companies recruit, coach, reward, and retain high-performance workforces since 2009.With the video interviewing integration, hiring teams will fast-track their talent acquisition process and connect with top performers.Jazz is committed to helping companies find the highest performing and best fit employees for the job, said Don Charlton, CEO and Founder of Jazz. Spark Hires integration with us furthers that goal tremendously, allowing hiring managers to make better evaluations and provide a better candidate experience. We are thrilled to offer Spark Hires video interviews to our customers.Recruiting the best talent possible is a priority of all h iring teams, and by conducting video interviews with Spark Hires platform, mutual customers will better evaluate personality and communication skills in far less time reducing time to hire and improving quality of hire. Plus, with intuitive collaboration features and sharing options, hiring teams can now facilitate thoughtful discussions on which candidates they should pursue.We are excited to announce our integration with Jazz, as this partnership allows companies of all sizes to better evaluate talent in order to make the best hires possible. said Josh Tolan, CEO of Spark Hire. Growing companies have a lot to think about as they scale their teams. From evaluating cultural fit, improving hiring team collaboration, and developing an awesome candidate experience, Spark Hires integration with Jazz makes this easier than ever for our mutual customers.If youre interested in learning more about the Spark Hire and Jazz video interviewing integration, or if you are an existing customer loo king to activate the integration, contact us today

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Why Your Resume Can Use a Second Proofreader

Why Your Resume Can Use a Second ProofreaderWhy Your Resume Can Use a Second ProofreaderWhy Your Resume Can Use a Second ProofreaderSometimes we cant help but depend on the kindness of strangers.One day this week, right after parking my car in a parking garage, a gentleman who had been driving behind me told me my brake lights were out as we walked toward the exit.Now thats something I would never have noticed, and its a critical road safety issue.I thanked him twice, then made a point to visit my mechanic later in the day.If I hadnt had that second set of eyes to notice the problem and alert me, I might have gone on for days, thinking I was driving safely and wondering why all those crazy drivers were almost crashing into me.As I thought about that, a light bulb (pun absolutely intended) went off in my head about sending your resume without noticing that one little thing that can prevent you from landing an interview. It might be a typo, a grammar error, or some formatting issue (su ch as non-aligned bullets or one word thats mistakenly in a different font). You may not notice it when you review your resume, but then someone else is kind enough to point it out to youand you avoid a potential job search disaster.You need to proofread every square inch of your resume, but its important to have someone else proofread it too, whether its just to check grammar and spelling, or to go deeper and address the content. You dont want even the tiniest of blemishes, such as a misspelling or grammar gaffe, to turn out the lights on a mglichkeit at landing a job thats perfect for you.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Experienced Paralegal Resume Template 2018s Top Format

Experienced Paralegal Resume Template 2018s Top FormatExperienced Paralegal Resume Template - 2018s Top FormatCreate ResumeEvan Washington100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019Home(555) 322-7337 example-emailexample.comSummaryEnthusiastic paralegal skilled in research and client communication, with more than five years in legal administrative assistance.ExperienceProbate paralegalJuly 2012 to August 2013, Hughes, Watters, Askanase Houston, Texasprobate paralegalJanuary 2012 to January 2013conducted research on deceased borrowers and heirs using Westlaw and local county online services prepared contact letter to heirs drafted correspondence and pleadings for creditors administration and requests to the underwriter to insure around deceased borrower coordinated with attorneys, dependent administrators and local counsels with hearings updated to clients with status of loans handled by the firm performed title reviews and determine if title claims are needed for prior liens, missing con veyances, legal discrepancies referral administrator.January 2009 to January 2012Opening all referrals that come through our department Foreclosures, Bankruptcies,evictions, Litigation and credit union loans Data entry Document retrieval Making files Maintaining Excel spreadsheet with current information Extensive research Responsible for pulling loans from going to sale if necessary.Paralegal/receptionistSeptember 2008 to July 2009, Patterson, Boyd Lowery Houston, TexasAnswer phones greet clients general office duties data entry maintain calendar and journal entry system research and investigative reporting typed and proofread documents electronically and manually.HighlightsSuperb legal research skillsExpertise in legal proceedingsProbate law familiarityDatabase managementFluent in SpanishMS Office proficientTexas Notary Public commissionEducationAssociates Degree Paralegal Technology, 5/2007, Houston Community College Houston, TXCoursework in Paralegal Studies Customize ResumeMor e Legal Resume TemplatesEntry Level Paralegal Resume Templates

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Highest Paying Teaching Jobs

Highest Paying Teaching JobsHighest Paying Teaching Jobs Being a teacher comes with its own unique perks, like having long summer and winter vacations, getting an early end to the day and having a set work schedule in advance. As of 2019, according to Glassdoor salaries data , the national average salary for a Teacher is $45,082 in the United States. Salary estimates are based on 26,149 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Teacher employees. A teacher with over 15 years of experience can earn $56,157 per year, while an entry-level teacher can make $43,203 per year.In addition, the job market for teachers is showing promising growth employment for teachers is expected to grow by seven percent for kindergarten and elementary school teachers, and by eight percent for middle school and high school teachers until 2026, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are currently over 69,000 openings for teachers across the United States on Glassdoor.To gain e mployment as a teacher, at least a bachelors degree is required. Some teachers choose to major in the subject area they plan to teach, such as English, history or biology, but it is generally not a requirement to do so. In many states, including California, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, a masters degree is also required in order to obtain a teaching certificate. For any state you teach in, a certificate or license specific to that state is required.The teaching job you choose is dependent on your interests and your background - prospective teachers who studied art in college, for example, may have trouble finding employment as a math teacher. Jobs available for teachers are also dependent on what is available at the time, as it is a profession with relatively low turnover. Postings for teaching jobs can be found on job search sites like Glassdoor and on education-focused websites like .Once youve found a job that suits you, the application process for teaching jobs is usually relatively straightforward. A resume and cover letter will be required, generally. Some jobs also may request a portfolio of other materials showing your qualifications as a teacher, including sample lesson plans, written recommendations and/or a list of references, and materials from past students.Glassdoor Salary Range $39,000 $72,000If youre a chemistry buff, youre in luck - chemistry is one of the highest-paid subjects to teach in high schools. Chemistry teachers typically major in chemistry or a related field during their undergraduate education. Depending on the state, high school chemistry teachers may also require a masters degree in teaching, as well as a student teaching internship and the successful completion of required state examinations for teachers.Glassdoor Salary Range $46,000 $57,000Teachers who speak a second language can earn more than their counterparts. For example, some districts who have a high percentage of Spanish speakers have a need for t eachers who speak Spanish and who can teach in ESL classrooms. According to one industry resource , bilingual teachers can earn $2,000 to $5,000 more per year than their non-bilingual colleagues.Glassdoor Salary Range $37,000 $78,000Special education teachers work with students who have physical, developmental, mental and other disabilities, who need specialized instruction and care to facilitate their learning. Special education teachers teach traditional subjects ranging from reading and writing to math and science. The duties of a special education teacher often vary based on the needs of the students they are working with. Becoming a special education teacher requires a bachelors degree in an education-related field, and depending on the state you live in, either a masters degree and/or additional certifications.Glassdoor Salary Range $79,000 $155,000A superintendent is the head of a school district, including the districts elementary, middle and high schools. The superinten dents duties are similar to the CEO of a business - they make executive decisions about the management of the school district, budgets, hiring and firing of staff, and oversee major changes and programs in the school district. Superintendents typically have a masters degree in education administration, if not a Ph.D. in an education-related field. There are a number of zugreifbar masters degree programs for education administration that can be completed concurrently with teaching or working in another school administration job.Glassdoor Salary Range $59,000 $130,000Assistant principals, often also called vice principals, work directly under the principal of an elementary, middle or high school. They handle certain disciplinary actions, coordinate the schedules and management of teachers and staff, and complete other administrative duties. Often assistant principals have a masters degree in education administration or educational leadership, as well as some teaching experience.Gla ssdoor Salary Range $38,000 $82,000School librarians manage the inventory of books in a school library, check out books and make recommendations to students, and teach classes on how to use the librarys resources. Becoming a school librarian typically requires a masters degree in library science or library and information studies, as well as state-specific additional tests and certifications.Glassdoor Salary Range $46,000 $83,000Curriculum developers, often also called instructional coordinators, help develop the means of instruction and the content that will be presented to students in the classroom. They also develop educational materials that facilitate student learning. Typically studienordnung developers have at least a bachelors degree, if not a masters degree, in an education-related field, as well as experience in teaching or administration. Some states require curriculum developers to pass a test in order to become employed.Glassdoor Salary Range $37,000 $66,000Math t eachers in high school teach subjects including geometry, algebra, pre-calculus and calculus. Typically, math teachers major in math or a related quantitative field during their undergraduate education. Depending on the state, high school math teachers may also require a masters degree in teaching, as well as a student teaching internship and the successful completion of required state examinations for teachers.There are different rungs you may climb as a teacher, and sometimes, the rungs you climb will require different duties. One of the first steps up as a teacher youll take is getting tenured. From there, you may advance to serving as the head of your department, and from there, enter administrative positions like assistant principal, principal and maybe even superintendent .You may want to consider a secondary degree, such as a degree in education administration, to boost your chances of getting promoted within your school. There are many masters in education administration pro grams that can be completed primarily online at the same time as youre working as a teacher.